Lineman Safety Demonstration

A lineman performing a safety demonstration
Working foreman Jason Allen answered questions about lineworkers’ safety procedures during the February 1st board meeting at Tabor Water & Power offices.

Working foreman Jacob Allen demonstrated equipment linemen use when climbing electric poles for maintenance and repair work. He also discussed the safety procedures and skills necessary for linemen to successfully and safely do their jobs.

Representatives from the community also asked about our response to and communication regarding outages. Chief Operations Officer Ryan Maggard explained we work as safely and as quickly as possible to restore power during an outage.

Tabor Water & Power has undertaken an effort to improve outage communication, including the use of updates on Facebook and on the company website. He asked consumers to call PPC’s phone number to report an outage if one occurs.

The day-long meeting was held at PPC offices. All meetings are always open to the members of Tabor Water & Power. Monthly meetings are generally held at the business office.

Meeting agendas and prior meeting minutes are posted on our website.